Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reba and kelly clarkson in mississippi?

on feb 14 i attended their concert in tupelo i cant remember what the first song was that they opened with!!! think it was an old rock song but idk!! please help!!!

Obama supports the drug trafficking or to the Colombia plan?

I am worried about the cut against the drug trafficking. Without money bad resemblance cannot be fought.

Dear Mom, I miss you...RIP?

I know how you feel. Sometimes we just need to vent everything out. And I'm so sorry for your loss sweetie.

How do I control his stinky pillow?

The only way is to wash his pillowcase often. Another way is to just sleep on a separate bed than his, or even in another room! Good luck! I hope that I've helped!

Brit rock clothing shops or websites...?

Hmm, Doc Martens boots? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a always been ociated with the British Rock scene since the '60s. LoudClothing's a bit like TruffleShuffle in some areas a href="" rel="nofollow"

Why do some when asked a question...?

They have done away with their morality, one has got no business to divert from the originality of the question. Of course this democracy and one can't be bared to do so, unless there is a rule to do it. Suggest that such answers must not be brought on the net by the "web holder".

Wats the difference between a cerole and a stew?

Stew is usually like a thick soup but with larger chunks of meat and vegetables depending on the type of stew. Cerole has less liquid than stew or soup and is usually cooked in the oven rather then on the stove.

How long can you keep oysters after purchase?

Oysters should be eaten as soon as possibe because they start to lose flavour. If you've gotten them fresh, straight off the rocks, take them out of their shells and you can keep them in a jar of sea water in the fridge for a few days. Yes it has to be water from the ocean! Just smell them, you'll know if they're no good.

Am i the winner?

some days before i have got a mail that told me i am the winner of swiss lotto 4000 milion euro.they send me paper to fill.another day again i got a mail which tell me to fill detail and account number.i send them all details now again i got a mail which tell me to send them 1300 euro for transfor the money in your accout.please help me to solve that whats the matter is. thanks

Interger Fraction Help?

if there is one negative in the fraction, whether it be on the top, bottom or middle, the fraction is negative. if there are two negatives, like on the top and the bottom, than the fraction is a positive, because two negatives equals a positive

Does all the cute guys suck at kissing?

I had several dates with tall , beautifull man but when we were kissing they were basically eating my entire face.. and it was very painfull. They were in their mid 20s.... I always belived they were the best.. but I was wrong. Did anybody have had this experience?

Would it be too selfish to ask this?

My dad gets out of prison monday, and he said that he would send for me within a week. one of his clients will be getting him housing immidiately. (he's a bussiness tycoon). I am thinking of asking him to come rescue me immidiately. i am on the brink of suicide and i have to get out of where i am right now (im living in low income housing with my mom). i seriously stood on a ledge of a 20 story building yesterday, but i did not end up jumping. im not sure i will even make it a week. would it be too selfish to ask my dad to come get me as soon as he is out?

What are the basics of oil and gas exploration and production?

Oil and gas are useful because they pack a huge wallop of energy in a small volume. Just think, you can move a car that weighs 3,000 lbs hundreds of miles on only a few gallons of gasoline. It's very practical stuff. Oil and gas are commonly produced by first shooting seismic waves into the earth, which bounce back to the surface. Computer yze these waves and produce a picture of the rock layers under your feet. Oil likes to collect in areas that form humps or ridges in the layers. When geologist find a place that looks good, you can drill down to that area and get to the oil/gas. The oil and gas come to the surface because of the shear weigh of the Earth pushing down on the reservoir, expelling it up and out of the hole.

How to become a commercial pilot?

i am a malaysian citizen but i prefer to work abroad like in american airlines or british that possible?..i haven't even started flying yet...i'm only jus outta high seriously help me..please...i really love flying..

What could this be? (my son)?

For the past year my son has been sniffing through his nose constantly. its hard to explain. like he moves nose and breaths through it forcefully like when someone has a cold and are congested. but he doesnt have a cold. he also blinks his eyes when he does it. i told him to stop but he says he cant. He cant controll it. I dont know if this is a medical problem. My sister said it could be tourettes but i dont really know what that is.

Do I have the flu or swine flu?

my upper neck in the front is tight, and my insides (stomach and throat) feel tight and kinda strained when I tried to sing earlier. I am sorta stuffy and I am Worried about swine flu. Do i have the swine flu? If i do have something, What could i do to keep the virus from preliferating or getting any worse and more serious? Thank you.

Will sonic the hedgehog die?

I don't think Sonic will die. At worst, they'd probably just shelve him for a long time if they felt the character wasn't raking enough cash in.

Why Do People think that PUBLIc DIsplay of AFFEction Is BAD?

i Dnt hv ny Clue dat y People Dislike PDA....i jus dnt GEt it...wats so DISgusting about it?? Evn my Gff thnks dat it is Vry BAd n Wat do u ppl THnk?? a llil Kiss n Holdng HAnds n da STreet is BAD??

How can I make an ORIGINAL Harley Quinn costume?

Well, if you're going to leave out her jester cap and not cover your body up so much, that's not really Harley Quinn. If you're that desperate to leave the jester cap out, then I'd say spray paint half of your hair black and the other red, so it actually resembles Harley Quinn.

Does anyone know these songs?

The other night on CSI Shooter Jennings made a cameo an I was wondering if anyone could tell me the name of the two songs he sang on the show?

What makes a group of people entitled to a particular geographic location or parcel of land?

Better guns and a better organized military. I'm an American, and that's how the USA was settled by Europeans.

Synonym for "getting back to me"? ?

Trying to find a professional way of saying "thanks for getting back to me." Any suggestions?

Is it possible for fertility problems to be hereditary?

Or is it just hit and miss--affects some people different from others? Personal stories would be very helpful. If you are having trouble trying to conceive, did your mother or grandmother or anyone in your family ever have similar troubles? Thanks. I just made my appointment to try to figure it out but I'm so nervous. I don't know what they do the first visit, but It's an hour away one way so I hope that they do more than just talk.

Skateboarding question...? [please answer!!!!]?

alright. ive been skateboarding for about two weeks now and i love it. i can turn one way really good and ive almost mastered my ollie and im working on a kickflip. the way i stand on the board is with my left foot in front, so i can turn to the right pretty well. but my issue is that i cant turn at all. i feel like im gonna fall backwards and when i try, it will just turn the slightest bit but keep going forward. so how do i turn left? can you give me any good tips or direct me to a website or a video or something? i really need help on this and id appreciate it alot. :)

I just lost me best friend, do I move on or try to get him back?

.LDRs are difficult,even for mature adults. I do think though this guy is rather selfish. He's not too concerned about your worries but offended by your attitude.Even when you apologise.Think him and his gf are having problems and he's taking it out on you

How long does menopause last?

I have been having hot flashes and night sweats for a little over 6 years. The only suggestion the gyno offered was taking Black Co-hash (no help there) and soy supplements (no help either). Any suggestions (besides hormone therapy)? How long does it last?


An 8.00 g bullet is fired into a 2.50 kg pendulum bob initially at rest and becomes embedded in it. If the pendulum rises a vertical distance of 6.00 cm, calculate the initial speed of the bullet.

I just recvd job vacancy inform. this Jan. from Omnihotel mgr same Rose Grand. Does this mean a scam also?

Anyway, i'v sent in my application and various vacant position and salary payable forwarded to me. Although yet to forward my particulars as my pport still under processing.

What does Synical Deliverance mean?

Well for me it would be like freedom in a misanthropic way... therefore no freedom at all, because freedom or deliberance is not misantropic...

Where can you buy Santa Claus suits?

I live in dallas texas and I cant find a christmas suit to dress like santa anybody know any stores?

What are good costumes for a war movie?

You don't need uniforms to make them look like uniforms. As long as the clothes are uniform (sorry, I couldn't resist) and the same. You can get berets and make sure the evil army blouse their trousers into their boots. As far as militia goes, black, green, brown, ripped and dirty t-shirts are good. as for trousers I know that old military uniforms are pretty cheap in army-navy stores. But if you can't take that route, just regular dark jeans would be decent.

How does the US distinguish between the people we are liberating and the people we are bombing?

They can't; the civilians should keep their distance, even if they care and have the best of intentions.

Will XM Radios or other satellite radios work abroad?

I will be going abroad (To Israel) during the month of march. I would like to purchase a radio that I could use to listen to games of the NCAA Tournament. I'm pretty sure I can subscribe and it would have all of the games, but will it work abroad? Thanks. If not, any suggestions how to listen to the games without a laptop, like Sirius radio or something? Thanks again.


as a physical thep. you need to strech not ice before anytype of physical activity. In order for your achiles tendon to heal you need to do several excersies You can do then in privale but you need to walk down the hall way or any long entrances. heel to toe. you will get off balance at first but you need to do this for aleast 10 min. the you need to take your foot and put it on an incline and strech it out as fas as you can. then ice. for aleast 20 min

Michael Jacksons Death?

According to dateline the doctor that treated him said Michael died peacefully in his sleep. Michael always wanted the doctor there to watch over him while he slept. When the doctor got up to leave the room he came back to see how Michael was doing, He placed his hand on his face said he was still warm but had a weak heart rate. The doctor noticed soon after he wasn't breathing. That is when all hell broke loose. I don't care what people say about him or what he did or didn't do. The thing he will be remembered for his music and how gifted he was. Now people should just let him rest in peace and remember the King of Pop for just that, the King of Pop.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What do you think the best tight end of all time, Tony Gonzalez is worth?

theres been a rumor that the bills want him for a 3rd and a 6th round pick is he worth more??? he is the best tight end of all time and a for sure hall-of-famer??? what would you accept for him

I am hearing on the radio that someone else has recorded "UMBRELLA"..?

It's not the Rhianna or Mandy Moore version, in fact it is someone entirely different than the versions I have heard. Anyone know who it is?

What is human intellect? and how can you level it?

Hi I was wondering what is a human intellect? because I'm watching justice league and there are part where they say human intellect level 5,6,7,8,9,10 etc and can you people explain this to me? and would you know what kind of level of intellect your mind is. thx

Ok.. So here's my story?

About 3 months ago me and my mate went to a birthday party.. ther was this lad walkin about he was nice but i thot he wud have a girlfriend, bout 4 hours later he was in out taxi home, he was talking to me sayin that my perfum was lovely, then i got out of the taxi and he slapped my ***, i met him again the next nite he came over to me and put his hand on my ***! we went out to the smoking area and he was there pointing at me to his mate, bout 10 minutes later we are snogging at the bar, he says the most beautiful things to me though like, your eyes are beautiful, what your wearing is amazing, and he isnt at all afraid to hold my hand or kiss me infront of his friends, and i have been seeing him everytime we meet at a club for the past 3 months, but i actually found now that i have feelings for him but i think he think that im just someone to go with when he goes out... how can i let him no that i actually like him without making me sound very desperate and without scaring him away?!

Me and my friend wrote this, input?

Shut the hell up Steve C! That was freaking amazing! Sounds like Linkin' Park and Bullet For My Valentine got together and wrote a song together. Awesome job! To tell you the truth, I'd download that song as soon as I could if it came out.

Requesting advice on conflicting emotions. Women answer only please.?

I'm a 24 year old guy. I am very down to earth, easy to talk to and in my opinion average in looks. I have, however, been single now for 5 years. The years of being single I feel have warn me out making me feel apathetic/cynical about ever being in a relationship. I never been in a committed relationship despite sincere efforts. I am confident enough to make the first move but unable to maintain the persons interest. I lack the "romantic flare" instead favoring a realistic/hardened perspective of the world. A part of me has no interest in trying anymore (apathy). Another part is sadden by the idea that I can work and achieve almost anything I set my mind to except for the one thing I really desire, a relationship. These two conflicting emotions are difficult to deal with. I'd appreciate any thoughts and more than one answer is fine. All answers will be appreciated. Thanks.

Country music questions? 10 points???

i absolutely LOVE country music. it's my favorite genre of all-time! : D i love everything about it, the lyrics, the music part, everything! haha! and yes, basically everyone i know hates country music and i don't understand. i cannot pick my favorite country song, i have soo many haha. but if i had to pick my favorite one at this moment, i'd say honey bee by blake shelton

Does anyone ever feel that some type of force is holding you down in the morning and you cant move??

This sounds really weird but it has happened more than once in like a few months. Im waking up usually from a bad dream and when I try to get up I can't nor can I yell. Its just a terrible feeling. I've had really weird dreams like of relatives being eaten by crocodiles. NO, I havent watched any scary movies lately so that cant be it.

First speeding ticket for 71/60 but I wasn't going over 57. How do i fight this ticket?

I wanted to hire a lawyer but so many people have told me that I don't need one because I wasn't speeding I never went over 57. The state trooper was on the opposite side of a 4 lane hwy divided by a gr median in the slow lane while i was on the other side in the slow lane. I just don't know what to do..I've never had any other offenses on my license. and I'm a good driver. he went down the road and turned around and then followed me 4 a few seconds while I was going like 50.

Had a dream last night that I was climbing a bridge... at the steepest incline, i could not physically climb?

had a dream last night that I was climbing a bridge... at the steepest incline, i could not physically climb the bridge, but i was not scared. within moments, the wind blew, the bridge tilted, and voila, the momentum pushed me to ascend over the steepest incline. Interpretations anyone?

Please grade my SAT essay?

9/12. the ending seemed rushed. It would have been better if you cut out the enron example all together and expanded your conclusion.

What's the fastest/cheapest way to get to the Sears Tower (Willis Tower) from Millenium Station on Randolph?

My boyfriend and I are going to Chicago this weekend, we'll be getting off of the south shore train at millenium station. What is the quickest and most efficient route to the sears tower, and what are some fun things to do around the sears tower?

Does anyone else working outside the house get frustrated with hubby?

My DD is teething and is very unhappy the past couple of days. I only work 2 nights a week. She is on a routine, we watch Shushybye's then sing Twinkle Little star, then change her to her PJ's, bottle, then bed. Bed time is about 9 pm. Well I got home tonight at 11:30 from work and she was still up ?! He was so proud of himself because she was happy and not crying. I am so mad at him for not sticking to the routine, he is just happy that she is happy. Am I wrong? Good god I only work 2 nights a week, that is all it takes to break a babies routine. But I hate getting on him too hard cause he really is trying.

I am a freelance photographer (19 yrs old) and i am looking for a job. How do I go about it?

If I were to send my work to a magazine company (say, National Geographic) do i have to get it COPYRIGHTED first??

What happen if i win three number in the lotto?

You guys really gotta learn to start giving more info...nobody knows what lotto you're talking about...

Why hasnt he called after our great date?

I know!!!! This is a common occurrence and it has happened to so many of us. You had a terrific date and he gave all the signals that he really liked being with you. Either he is afraid to call too soon; something urgent came up in his life to upstage contacting you right now; or he might be involved with someone else and is a potential jerk. I mention both options because the truth is, you don't know for sure. Sometimes from Saturday to Tuesday seems like a long time, but on the other hand, it is not. All I know is---don't call him. Try not to think about him. Give it a week. If he waits longer than a week, you can still go out with him again, or not. You have control over this. But I'm sure your date was successful.

Why did VH1...?

include Savage Garden's truly madly deeply & i drove all night by celine dion & lionel richie's truly into their top 40 awesomely bad love songs ever? I dont see anything wrong with the songs!

Girl yelled at me from a car?

I was walkin my dog today and a girl yelled "hey baby" from a car. Does this mean anything? or was she just messing around? i know when i see the occasional good looking girl i might say something like that. Is that how it works for you girls too?

This is awkward. please help!?

i recently had with this girl and she queefed on me? is that normal? i acted like it didnt happen cause i am totally afraid of girls farting.. and it grossed me out!

Oakland people help please!!! i'm a noob to oakland?

just move to oakland today but dont know how to take a bus here, i heard that have to press stop on instead of pulling something is that right?. cause i used to live at sacramento, the bus is different. and when you about to get off the bus, you have to press the on near the door or just put your hand on the door and will automaticly open for you? cause it will be my first time taking bus in oakland. just two question here. please! please tell me! ^.^

Mom's I need your help, bedtime question, C.I.O?

Ok I rock my 1yr old to sleep at the same time every night, he brings his blankie and pacifier and wants to be rocked, which was working out fine until just recently, he wants to rock but it takes a good hour or so for him to finally fall asleep, he puts his feet in my face, he touches my face, plays with my hair until, I fuss and he closes his eyes and goes to sleep. I'm thinking about maybe just starting to put him in his crib and let him fall asleep but I know he will cry and I will feel guilty. Do you think maybe its time I try just putting him in his bed? How should I handle him crying if I do this?

Question about P.E. cl?

Have you parents complain. If the administration doesn`t do anything have your parents threaten to have you homeschooled; this usually works because schools lose money for each student they lose.

What has more fibre; bran flakes or porridge?

I basically rely on breakfast for my fibre. So whats better? whats healthier? and what other sources of fibre are there? thanks!


i need to know what Julia Clifford Lathrop did for immigration. this is very important and i have a deadline. i know that she investigated conditions at Ellis Island, but what exactly does that mean? THANKS

I feel like we don't live in a democracy..?

I was watching South Park where they have to vote on a new school mascot- either a giant douche or a turd sandwich. Stan doesn't want to vote because the choices suck but his parents get pissed. I feel like this is how it is in America sometimes. I have no one else to vote for besides Ronald McDonald and The Burger King. How are we finding these people and putting them up to run for our parties? Like really... John McCain and Barack Obama? Is that the best America can do!? What happened to Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy?

Is premier random lotto real?

I received a check for 2998.40 from premier random lotto and they told me that i had to call kevin foster of standard financiers in london, england to claim my check. is this fraud??? they then told me that i would recieve a lump check of 114,000 minus 6,000. if this is fraud how do i go about getting this people to do something about this>> my family is poor, were living paycheck to paycheck so this was like an answer to all of our problems

Are there any unknown Archaeological sites like the holy grail, or crystal skulls, in the world?

This was a really hard question to word but I was wondering if there was any items in the world that are talked about but not proven to exist such as the holy grail, or ark of the covenant? Yes those are in the Indiana Jones Movies. All these items have been talked about like a legend. I was just wondering if there are other things in the world talked about in literature around the world, or in Ancient history that are like these items.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What size snowboard do i need?

Nobody can tell you the exact size of board you need all this crap about you need this board is not right I'm 5'8" so I "should" ride a 155cm board... I ride a 145cm because I like to ride a smaller board because it spins better and is easier to control just whatever feels right is what you should ride.

Get a free movie idea right here?

Not bad, but Kim should probably stick to the Carl's Jr salads. Is pizza sub even on the Subway menu?

If every execution of a murderer deters 18 murders, was God right in requiring the death penalty (Gen 9:6)?

Estimates say over twenty innocent people have been sent to die. Are you prepared to send even more innocents to die, even if it is for the greater "good" you are still taking human lives in your attempts, making everyone a murderer.

I need more cowbell, where can i find it

Im looking for the whole SNL skit with Christopher Walken when he plays as Bruce inson with Blue Oyster Cult doing the recording Dont Fear The Reaper its one of SNL's best skits ...does anyone have a link for the whole skit .. ive seen clips but im looking for all of it

Where can I find old/past issues/second hand magazines in KL?

i want to buy old issues or second hand fine art & decorative painting or national geographic magazines in KL. current or latest issues are usually very expensive. older issues are selling at a much lower price.

Boy troubles i need some advice/help?

Ok so i really like this guy. I saw him a lot cuz he is a wrestler and so is my brother so i went to matches and he was there but i kept my distance cuz he had a gf but he broke up with her a while back and so we texted like everyday and he asked me out and i accepted and we went to the movies and yea know hugged goodbye and he told me to text him and we texted a little and then i didnt text him for like 3 days and i asked him if we were good and he said yea and i asked him if he was like mad or something twice i guess and i think he got annoyed but he says he didnt so im like ok lets not get in a big fight and now he wont answer any of my text messages.I went to the wrestling banquet thing and he was there and we acted like total strangers:( I really wanna talk to him so that we can work this whole thing out cuz idk wat went wrong.I hardly ever get to c him cuz he is an 8th grader and i am a freshman but i see him at church sometimes when he is there so what should i do about this should i be very outgoing at church and flirty or send him a text saying how much i care about him and that i dont wanna loose wat we had idk im so lost and confused. any help will be much appreciated. Thx in advance.

Am I Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative?

As most people part of you falls into all 3. Where do you place yourself on personal responsibility, the size of the government. The more responsibility you put on yourself, the more conservative you are. The more you view yourself as a victim the more of the liberal your are, & the less power you have. If you wish to take back your power from the Big Government you have to become conservative.


No. Favre is gonna be up and down all season. He's a freaking old man and can't perform at a high level every week. Romo has established himself as a fantasy stud and as the season progresses, Grant is going to become a bigger part of the Green Bay offense. Gore has always been a beast, but his effectiveness is subject to his team being able to keep the scoreboard close. They didn't do a great job of that this weekend.

How many people have died from the swine flu vaccine?

I've read that 25 people died who received the test H1N1 vaccine. I'm not sure about the others so far. People have just now started getting the vaccine in my area.

How much of a tree is it safe to prune?

The rule of thumb is never take any more than 1/3 off in any one year. Even though the sap has not started running yet, cutting any more than that will seriously stress the tree.

Applied knowledge is the real, true power. Do you agree?

The saying "knowledge is power" (or rather, knowledge alone is power) is not true because when you know something and don't do anything with that knowledge, it's useless. And then you ask yourself "Why spend so much time on something that isn't going to be useful to me right away?" For example, when driving around a city area, if you know the traffic patterns during different times of the day, you'll make sure to avoid the areas that get congested during those times (6:00 a.m.--10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.--7:00 p.m. for example) and take alternate routes. It's always good to travel before and after "rush hour" since this makes your trip easier.

Why did terrorists attacked World Trade Center?

Actually, the trade center was a symbol of our financial success. Many big corporations had offices in the towers. And for the pentagon, it is what you would call the HQ for the U.S. Defense System. They hitting the pentagon, they struck fear into the U.S. because if they could hit the center of our defenses then they could perty much do anything.

What year is Macbeth set in?

Is there any way to know what month also? I'm making a diary for Lady Macbeth and I want to put the date at the top of each entry.

Want to know the histoy of bangladesh before indepence from india (before1947)?

I want to know about bangladesh when it wasnot separeted from india. And how it was separated from india. i have got project in my school, please write more than 4 pages. it is very imp.

Can cats understand what people say? Why can't we understand them?

My cat Sammy has only said the occasional "meow". I was a little upset after a while that he couldn't respond to me in English. I usually tell him things and he walks away, and its really mean and ignorant of him to do that. Why can't he understand me? And why cant I understand his dialect?

Mathematical algorithms?

What two algorithms are you talking about? And how were the numbers igned to them? Unless you give more information, I doubt you will get a satisfactory answer.

Help narrowing down names!?

I really like the name Cheyenne Faith, my sons name is Landon, so obviously I like that name too. :)

Why do you pray for help & advice when God doesn't want you to?

first of all, from what u posted, it doesn't state that God doesnt want us to ask him for help, its just useless to do so. Also, the main reason you ask Him for help is because of the reurance. Also, he may know of your plight, but mabye he wants to see how far you are willing to go? (you cant say he alrdy knows how far you are willing to go on things because that means going to heaven/hell is alrdy decided for u.)

Would you want this Quarterback, leading your favorite NFL team.?

What I look for in a rookie QB is always flashes of greatness. He showed me that, but his consistency needs to improve, overall I still have him ranked over Stafford.

Mini cooper and size!?

I want to buy one of those Old mini coppers but Im 1.90 cm(6'3) and 90 kgs(nearly 200 pounds) all my friends are telling me not to buy one but I really want one of them ,do you think Its gonna be a problem for me ? expecially for my legs to fit the car ?? I will go and sit in a mini soon but I want to have an idea before that.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Economics help please...?

You should really do your own homework. No one has the time to do this for you. Yahoo answers isn't a site to spoonfeed you answers for your homework.

What does it mean if a DNA region is highly conserved between species?

Like if a protein or DNA sequence in one organism is in another organism. I don't understand exaclty how knowing whether a protein is highly conserved is useful to know. does it mean that the protein is essential to the functioning of the organism? im not quite sure.

How do I do an MLA cover page?

it needs to include my name, the title of the novel I'm reading, the author, the publisher, the publishing location, and the publishing date

Chris Brown "saddened and sorry?"?

it looks better if she accepts his apology, but i hope she doesn't let him back into her life either

Can you find just about anything in Thailand cheap?

I am traveling to Thailand this summer for volunteering and I know there are lots of night markets in bangkok and all over. I guess i was wondering what type of stuff you can find there. Such as there are many things that i want that are way to expensive for me to afford, such as an ipod or some other mp3 player device, and b guitar, and just for fun though i usually dont give a **** about designer brands a le sport sac bag. I was wondering if i can find all these things in markets. Now i know that it wont be a "real" ipod i dont know if its not even that brand name, just some sort of mp3 device, and for the purse i dont even care if its a rip off. Also i am not going for shopping its just a perk of being there. Anyways this has turned into a rant, please repsond, thanks so much

800m sprint tips - desperate!?

If you can't sprint fast then run right behind the slowest or second slowest person the first 400m and then slowly pick up speed so that your sprinting the last 200m

I'm looking at traveling throughout Eastern Europe...?

Theres a video by Micheal Palin, of Monty Python fame, called "The new Europe" It deals mostly with how Eastern Europe has changed after the berlin wall came down. He visits almost every Eastern European country. It was very interesting and might provide insight on your forthcoming travel.

I don't understand guys!! Please help!!?

Theres this guy i like and he told me he likes me but he said he doens't want to go into a relationship and just b friends.Around my friend's birthday he came and i saw him staring at me and then he looked away immediately, but for some reason i held his arm and we looked at each other in the eye for more than 1 min. After he hints me about relationship questions and i asked him this time does he wana go out with me and he still said no he jsut want to be friends for now. During new years eve i talk to him again he told me he asked a girl to go to countdown with him and we had a lil argument about it and he said w/e i'll go to where the place ur gonna go and i said no what about the girl and hes like doesn' t matter..but at the end i gave up nd i told him to just be frds and he nvr replied but he tells my guy frd how i said its over and he said he thought it was over a long time and why im sitll goin at it.iunno y he even mentioned it to my guy rly confused does he even like me?

Can lower back pain be ociated with menopause or for missed menstrual cycles at the age of 54?

Definitely true! Some of the signs and symptoms of menopausal period is missing a menstrual cycle. lower back pain. Taking a vitamin B complex will help lessen the occurrence of the missing monthly period. And the frequent back pain can also be alleviated through the use of a posture brace corrector.

Why am i for the New World Order? let me tell ya.?

those who are agains the now world order, are shallow dualists. they think there are certain un-changeable aspects of good and bad. they think ity is a bad thing, they think ual freedom is a bad thing... they think spiritual enlightenment is a bad thing... they think intellectual advancement of humanity is a bad thing. they don't want the world to unite in betterness. they want division. they dont want advancement, they want humanity to conform to certain moral dogmas... these anti-new-world-order people are just delusional. they consist of catholics, fundamentalist christians, delusional fluffy-bunnies like David Icke and typical american southern christian nationalists like Alex Jones...

Physics Problem - The gauge pressure in each of the four tires of an automobile is 240kPa.?

The gauge pressure in each of the four tires of an automobile is 240kPa. If each tire has a "footprint" of 240cm^2, estimate the m of the car.

Is it true that an earth quake can be man made?

I think that scientist work on making their own catastrophes because they want to study the way we can react and learn how to help control the situation.

What year was Ford's best make of the Falcon?

New to vintage cars, and I saw a 1964 Ford Falcon for sale. Is that a good year? What does one need to consider before purchasing a car of that kind? What are your thoughts about 1963 falcon?

How hard are the Redskins 2009 opponents? (your teams oppenents for 2009 in here too)?

Skins are going to stink and they'll have a 7-9 record and Dallas,San Diego,Tennessee,Atlanta and Carolina will be monsterous at home

I'm using an old version of Microsoft Word and whenever I try to fix a typo it does an autobackspace. How2fix?

Ex: If i smell this wrong. <

Men, question for you I refused ?

So I have been platonic friends with a guy for a couple of years and he tried to make a move on me. We are both ually attracted to one another but I explained clearly prior to this that he needs to make me his GF before we can go there. Anyway he tried to kiss me and I put my hand to his mouth and told him that we wouldnt go there because we know where it would end and that we were not having . Did I possibly bruise his ego. I am accustomed to us talking or at least texting everyday, nothing today or yesterday. If this helps I told him when he decides we could be bf/gf to let me know so he knows the option is open.

Baby bumpers ok or not???

I personally don't like bumpers until the child is old enough to move around and bump their heads on the crib. I don't like the m produced bumpers either. I do homemade ones. They are taller and they have more ties on the top and bottom. By making them taller you are able to tie them to the top of the crib or to any indentations in the crib rail design which keeps them from being pushed down the bars by the child. By more ties on the bottom it makes it so the child can't get stuck underneath after pulling them up and looking under them. And always make sure they are very tightly tied.

Do you think the Fairness doctrine should be applied to internet websites?

Regulating speech of any form because of disagreeing with is a direct violation of the First Amendment, and the government has absolutely no business pursuing this.

The little prayer to be 'saved' - where in the Bible is it?

Evangelicals are big on the "repeat this prayer and you'll be saved." Where in the bible does it say to repeat a prayer like that? Does the word 'saved' appear in this context at all? Did Jesus mention anything about repeating a prayer to be saved?

What do u think of my MALE to FEMALE transformation pics...?

Wow, you need to show me the secret to your clevage! Is that a real tattoo on your navel? You look fun. Nice legs.

Is there a way to make my gaseous emissions quieter?

I know some people can do the "silent" ones, but I can't figure out how. It always makes this medium to high-pitched ascending squeak sound. How embarring!

Are you happy Kris Allen won American Idol? If not, who did you want to win?

no! i don't think he's that good of a singer. he was even surprised he won. he said that adam deserved to win and i agree. i think adam is alot better singer. i was so mad when kris won!

Need girl advice desperately (I'm a guy) * BEST ANSWER POINTS?

if she gives you compliments and is asking if she likes other girls, she has feelings for you. its kinda girl code. just tell her how you feel and ask if she feels the same way about you. if she does say no then just act normal around her. kelly should unally derstand if she respects your feeling so just go for it. if you're honest she will like you more than if you lie. girls love confidence. hope i helped!

Ner Hussain wanted England to scare India by beating S.L. badly what happened now,one fluke test win & 1-2?

in Odi had SL not committed hara kiri it could have been Lanka all the way, are England scared to think who is going to take them on after what Lanka has done to them so far ?

Are any of these good mp3 players (are they reliable and durable)?

Samsung Q2. Perfect for any person. Easy to control, Long battery life, I reccommend this one cause it's perfect size, controllable, thunbs up.

Please help dog trouble?

my friend bought a dog from the pound. they got it and when they took it home the dog just wanted to lay down for hours. im not sure if it has anything to do about that they barley got it but i heard it takes 14 days for a dog to get used to you? so if any of you had the same experience or can hlp please answer back

Deployed and dealing with a divorce?

I am going through a divorce and I have given my ex everything I still cant speak to my daughter and her lawyer wants to up my childsupport while i am in Kuwait can this be done.

If the marginal benefit of an activity is less than the marginal cost, should I increase my consumption?

When marginal benefit exceeds marginal cost, increase your consumption. When marginal benefit equals marginal cost you keep consumption constant, when marginal benefit is less than marginal cost you reduce your consumption.

Meaning of RUSH song's?

hey i love rush they are my most favorite band ever but some of there songs i cant understand the meaning of the song i get 2112 and Cygnus X-1and Xanadu and the TREE'S. but one of the only shows i cant figure the meaning out is the Hemispheres song i no that it has to do with the greek gods fighting and its the second part of Cygnus X-1. but other than that i cant figure out what the songs purpose is so if you can help me.

Drunk Driving vs Sober Driving: What’s the Difference?

Mostly because MADD has made this a profit center for poorly managed cities and counties. Check this link: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Could I be experiencing either pregnancy symptoms or menopause?

i'm 19 years old and I have a 1 year old daughter. I have been having hot flashes, moodiness, tenderness, leaking milk, cramps in the lower abdomen on the left side and middle, also frequent headaches, I can't sleep at night. I haven't started my period this month, it has been 6 days. I haven't taken a htp yet. so do you think I could be pregnant or menopause??????

Is it possible for size to be reduced by athletics?

I am 12 and I have been doing gymnastics since I was 8 years old. currently I go 12 hours a week. all my friends have bigger than I do so I am a little worried that my will be reduced because of my gymnastics. yesterday I saw an adult who was completely flat. she looked about 35 to 40. (i was at the pool) that made me even more worried. please help.

Oh god help me find this song!!?

Okay i know its like go round and round and round and its NOT flo rida or B spears or anything like that.. I remember the video, its like a whole group of kids in a big room and theres like heaps of everyone and say someone starts singing/dancing then goes up to their clone and stops and then they start.... help!!

Once again Donald Fehr doesn't care about fixing the steroid problem? I suppose this is the Yankees Fault?->?

103 players get to breathe a sigh of relief because they weren't caught. But the rest of the players get to be under a cloud of suspicion. Fehr is your typical, "Let's throw white paint over this, it will be as though it never happened" Paint's going to chip away eventually.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is YOUR trademark goal celebration?

Usually it's just two arms in the air, but if i score a big goal like a game winner (i know this isn't original, i forget where i got this from...) i throw off my gloves and pretend to dive into water and start swimming...

Cat attacking dog...?

It is quite common for a cat to attack a dog that intrudes on it's territory. Usually though, if you introduce them properly, the cat will be more patient with a young pup and, the pup will soon learn to respect the cat.

December Underground. AFI album question...?

Is the end of the song Affliction (when the girl is saying she can't find either one of them) supposed to be an intermission of the album? Affliction is the middle song of the album, and the album starts with a Prelude and ends with Endlessly She Said. Also do you know why she is saying those things? i understand her, but do you know why she is saying it?

How do i make a label move up every time i hit the space bar in visual basic?

i need to make the beginning of a visual basic project. three aliens, move regularly, and have a spaceship at the bottom that can shoot a laser at the aliens. the aliens do not have to be killed,

To place the bagua in feng shui, should I go by true North or by the location of the entrance?

that's so last year. try updating without all that mombo jumbo. honestly has it made you feel any different so far??

Poll for clic rock fans...?

I wont take the time to answer these but you cant put elton j in the same category as most of these.

I wantto do a sport but i don't know which one to choose?

Okay, so currently I am in kickboxing but ui don't really like it becaus ei feel that i have no motivation to go. Yes i do want to lose weight but when i get there i count down the minutes, and they don't push you to do the moves. You can just sit there the whole cl, that is also the reason i didn't join a gym. So i was wondering if anyone knew of any sports that i could do or might like. I have already tried softball and after a recent bad experience, I/ have quit it for good. I think that i would enjoy tumbling but i am unsure. So soes anyone know of any good sports that would fit me or places for reasonbably priced gymnastics?

How to start a descriptive essay mla style paper?

I have to write a paper in my Eng cl about the neighborhood I grew up in and I dont know how to start the paper off.

Which RB to start, Ryan Grant or Felix Jones?

Grant against St Louis, and Jones against Carolina. not sure how many carries jones will get with Barber out, or if its worth it to start him

Does this sound good to eat?

Top ramen noodles, fry them in a pan, put in eggs and scramble them with the noodles then add peas. Then on the side skinless chicken italian seasoned. Does that sound good? What can I put on the noodles to make flavor? Or add to them? I don't have any thawed meat and I doubt I can get a ride to the store. Help? Thanks:]

Is it customary for auto dealer repair garages to charge for parts before installation?

My check engine light came on my 2002 Honda Civic (100,500 miles). The dealership repair garage charged me $50 to diagnose the problem (get the engine code). Come to find out, it was something about a leak in the charcoal canister in the emission line. Then they said because my car was so old, they couldn't get the exact part I needed because they're not made any more, but they could install a "kit" which cost $90. It was kind of like a work-around "kit" so they could byp the canister. They didn't have one in stock, but would order it if I paid for it beforehand. Then I'd only have to pay the $130 for labor to install. However, they couldn't even guarantee that this would fix the problem. I have to have this fixed or my car won't p inspection and only a Honda dealer can do it. I wanted to know if that is a reasonable price to pay for a diagnostic test? It is the usual practice to charge a customer for parts even before they are installed? Should I be wary because they are so unsure about the repair? Any other advice?

When can I expect my baby to eat less often? And how long should he spend at each ?

My baby is two weeks and two days old. He feeds several times a day, wanting to eat every hour or so during the day and every two or three hours at night. Honestly, I didn;t realize he would be so hungry so often. People are telling me to let him cry it out, and try to make him go longer between feedings, and others tell me that this will happen on its own. It does seems sometimes during the day that he's really not hungry, but just wants to cuddle and use me as a pacifier, so he'll only eat for a little bit and then fall asleep or lie there contented. I guess basically I'm wondering if I'm spoiling him, and when should he be able to go longer between feedings. I know he's getting enough because he's already gained half a pound and we go through enough diapers.

Basic menstrual cycle question... refresh/reinforce my understanding.?

I remember that the cycle is about 28 days... is that 28 days from the beginning of the period or the end?

What is the probability that the following parents of genotypes AaBbCC and AAbbCc will produce....?

What is the probability that the following parents of genotypes AaBbCC and AAbbCc will produce the indicated offspring (AabbCc)?

Is My Prologue Good?...10 Points!?

Not bad at all but you should put it away for six weeks without reading it and than pull it up and edit it some I mean you are you harshist critic

I like this guy, but now there's this other girl in the picture, sorta? :S Help!?

Don't get too hung up on someone over the internet. You really gauge what a person is like until you know them in person. I've made this mistake, me and this guy met online, and just decided to email friends as we lived about 6 hours apart. We would email, text, talk on the phone and talk on webcam. Feelings started to develop over the months and he came down to visit. I thought he was great, He didn't feel the same about me. It was shattering but I learnt not to invest too much into online relationships. Face value is what counts. And this guy you like is refusing to make plans with you and asks you to ask him at the last minute - what the!? If he was interested he'd be trying to chase you for a date.

A low pressure system in the northern hemisphere has a surface air circulation pattern the is clunterclockwise?

Yes that is correct and correct in the northern Hemisphere as you indicated. Counterclockwise. I have attached a site that may interest you and shows the rotation, as well as explains why.

What's up with OJ Mayo's playing time?

I have followed OJ Mayo since he was in high school when he was praised as one of the best prospects ever. He was basically second for Rookie of the Year behind Derrick Rose, and last year even though his scoring was down 1 point, it could be attributed to the addition of Zach Randolph. So this year, I was wondering why he's been demoted to the bench for last 10 games or so, and have only been given about 20-25 minutes a game, which is pretty much the same amount of playing time as second unit guys. In my opinion he's still probably the third best on the team with lot of potential to improve, so why is he getting less and less playing time? So if anyone who lives in Memphis or follows Grizzlies basketball closely can give me some information on this issue.

Is it possible for a man(I'm rephrasing my question)?

A guy that I know says he had a female friend with benefits. Is it possible for a man to have a lot of females friends and not having with them?

I have STD symptoms, but no STD according to the times I've been tested? Where can I get evaluated + treated?

I have about 5 or 6 little bumps on my genital region...the easiest way to describe them is that they look like small moles but flesh-colored. I've been tested several times since they've appeared several months ago, but the tests are always negative for everything. I just want a doctor who knows what they're doing to examine me and tell me what to f*cking do...every place that ociates themselves with STDs and reproductive issues will do nothing more than test me. Where can I go? This is so saddening...

Is Evolution Credible?

Wow, you pulled this right off of a creationist propaganda site didn't you? The nature of your questions shows that you know nothing about evolution. If you wanna know so bad why not just do some research on your own instead of trusting strangers on the internet. Or better yet, why not ask this in the biology section. I mean really, these questions have already been answered by scientists.

Are criticisms of the Catholic church similar to "collective violence" against the Jews?

No.This is just rhetoric.The church is playing CYA(cover your a$$).I'll bet the rev's Jewish friend is imaginary.The church has been covering up its scandals since it began.This is just more of the same.

Some thoughts on the times in which I live c/c?

So telling about the times. I am so amazed at how effortless your rhymes seem. Also I particularly think this line is very fine - "For honor never bends the liar's ear" (shaking my head with a small corner smile at the skill).

What do democrats think of Hugo Chavez? do you support his anti-american rhetoric?

and do you support him ending term limits so he can stay in power indefinetely?? i could understand why you would support him because he is so against president bush..yet willing to amend their constitution to keep power indefinetely,,would you support bush doing this? will you support hillary doing it if she were elected...we know she will try to, but would you accept that?

What is the movie called where the devil goes to a small town to find an heir?

there is like a scene where the little boy is watching TV and there is a floating cane in front of him and he gets hypnotized. Then there is a part where all the moms have to pick stones and the one with the black stone loses her son. I remember this movie from the early ninties I thought that Anthony Hopkins was in it but I'm not very sure. I just want to figure it out what the hell its called.

What are some tattoo ideas?

A coworker has six children, she has a fairy for each of the girls and an elf for the boy. That's a cool idea. You could also get a collection of things, eg flowers, stars, with their names perhaps? Unfortunately tattoos are so subjective- I think you may be best off browsing a site like bme and just coming up with your own idea. Good luck!

How can i dye my hair white?

So I wanna dye my hair but I had a perm lke two months ago but it was a wack perm n it didn't work and before I got the perm I had dye my hair abrun brown (like a week before)so now Im debating on dyeing my hair white but I don't know if I want the half on white on just two lines on the side white. But I'm afraid my hair will fall off.please help n give me all the tips u guys have I'm trying to dye my hair on my own..

My husband has succeeded once again in....?

upsetting me. This time we made a pact NOT to overspend on Christmas presents, yet I found a $1500 charge from Best Buy on my Am Ex bill! Do I sit and stew in my anger or confront him?

In the Philippine telenovela "Iisa Pa Lamang" are Miguel and Catherine technically second cousins?

they're not cousins. miguel is isadora's child from her first marriage. she's first married to jestoni's character. actually, isadora is not even legally married to susan roces' character's brother. she married susan's bro without annulling her first marriage. which makes the marriage null and void.

What are some bad reviews that you don't necessarily agree with but love anyway (read on)?

I found most of the reviews for Metal Machine Music to be really funny. The Rolling Stone review describing it as "the tubular groaning of a galactic refrigerator" being my favorite.

What does it mean when I keep dreaming about an actress?

I know this is kinda embarring but why do I keep dreaming about this one hot actress? I'm not gonna say her name because then my question will get off topic. I'll only say that she's 23. Well anyways I had a dream that I made-out with this one actress and that she's always hugging me. What does this mean? And everytime I dream about her, why is there always an alligator chasing me around when she's in my dream??

Friday, August 12, 2011

Do animals go to a different part of heaven like Steve Irwin (RIP) and Skippy the bush kangaroo (RIP)?

Best answer wins a 5 week self catering holiday for 3 at the fabulous 1 star Abu Graib campsite in Bagdad (flights not included

Would you like to see an All-American tag team of Shelton and Jack Swagger? How successful would they be?

Both are former All-Americans. They have both held titles and are the brash, young athletes of today.

How to ask him?

Ok, I really like this guy, and we danced together at the Valentine's dance. I want to ask him to our farewell, but I get so nervous around him. I don't want a friend to ask him for me, so what should I do?

I thought Republicans were against Tax hikes, or are they against them for the Wealthy and Big Business only?

Welcome to the new Tea Party family values. This is the Republicans and tea baggers idea of self-sacrifice.

Are Soulja Boy and Flo Rida the worst rappers in hip-hop history?

I don't mind listening to Flo Rida at parties but if Flo rida was on my ipod i would delete that sh*t ASAP. Fu*k Soulja boy!

I am having a problem with accessing microsoft office online from microsoft word 2007?

i went to microsoft office online from microsoft word 2007 and i was trying to open some of the options like brochures, budgets, calendars etc. but everytime i would click on one it would say try again or troubleshoot your internet connection i tried both neither would. i even checked to see if my computer was working offline it was not. if anyone can help me fix this problem i would greatly appreciate it. thanks in advance!

Adolf Hitler ***Project, need help!***?

On The Web is a German Newspaper in English ,Der Spiral. 3 Years ago they had an Excellent article about Hitler. I am sure it is still there in the archives. It may take some digging. When you have to do that you find more interesting information

Does he like me ( very long so please just read it!!!!)???

in the beginning of february i really liked him so i asked him to be my boyfriend and he said he would call back and he said he wanted to be my bf. HE bought me diamomnd hair clips and then we got in a fight, he called me a fag and i told him he succed and he said i was ugly, we didnt talk for a week. then he said sorry and offered to buy me anything i wowuld like, he bought me a yoyo(if you make fun of that GET A LIIFE CUZ NICK ROX UR sOX!!) an dthe n we just were reguklar for 1 month.then he started siting by me on the bus. WE went on an eaggle bluff trip and everyone thinks he likes jessica and jess thinks so 2. and on night hike (it was SCARY WE SAW DEAD PEOPLE~!!!!) he escorted me the whole way and held my arm. thenhe claimed he didnt like me at all. (on the busreide back he said he liked me morethan jess and he said yes. some girls asked him if he would date me if we were older(were in 5 grade) and he said yes but later told me he didnt kno whwta he was answereing,does he like me

What priced house could I afford to buy?

We can't tell you that. I recommend you make a budget and stick to it so you know where and how you spend your money, then you will know how much you can afford in payments every month. Too many people go by "formulas" that say what percentage of your income you can use, but we are all different, so it depends on what your lifestyle is like and how much other money you need/want after you pay you housing bills. I highly recommending picking a price, then put that money aside each month (minus what you pay in rent because you won't have that expense anymore). Then if you can live comfortably for 8 months to a year, you will know what YOU can afford. I know too many people who did the "recommended" 30% of your income and highly regret it because now they have a house but can't afford anything else!

Band Name?

I've got a new band going. we play mostly alternative rock like the new stuff thats out today. nothing too heavy. (red hot chili peppers, foo fighters, daughtry) does anyone have a good name for my band?

I need your opinion for college?

I want to be a pharmacist. The colleges that are on top of my list are NYU and Colombia, but I want to know what are the best to become a pharmacist that are in the New England area

To all fans of the mediator series by meg cabot?

ooh! my fav. series ever! yes, that is what happens in mine. maybe the summary was just misleading. do you have a link?

What helps menstrual cramps?

I have been up all night like on the floor like crying it's soo bad!!!! i used to not have cramps and now it's ridiculous. my moms been through menopause so she refuses to buy things like midol and tampons for me because it's not necessary, this includes birth control. so i was wondering what things i could do to help, heating pads,stretching,walking,and tylenol aren't workin too great. any suggestions???

Does the name NORBERT REINHART ring a bell?

sOrry it doesnot ring a bell to me....i m 19 oni..LOL...but you have one brave father! cheers to him........!!

Boston will not when the championship because?

they will be exactly like the mavericks, they will run out of gas come playoff time. they lost to the Washington wizards 3 times this year...i would love to see them win it , so before everybody comes on here yelling like 10 year olds just know that im not hating its what i think. what do you think ?

Does she like me, or am I confusing things?

I think maybe you should see how it goes for a couple more days. I know in the past/present if a guy liked me but I was not feeling him I would say "you need to find you a girlfriend". I was just giving him a hint that me and him are just friends.

My daughter of 34 has Endremetriosis?

It has been suggested to me by my French specialist that she is put into a temporary artifical menopause which will shrink the endremetriosis. He suggested this after checking that she has not had children and does want want them. He says this treatment is the safest to ensure no problems later. What experience has anyone had of this treatment.

Richard Nixon Watergate Scandal?

The Watergate scandal forced forced Nixon to resign as president. But why has Watergate also been described as the greatest political crisis ever faced by the US in the 20th century?

Why do i dream about celebrities?

i always tend to have male celebrities in my dreams. Lol recetnly it was tom cruise and like some night its like zac efron or even the ewww jonas boys. why is that?

Im not congested but it feels like i am. any ideas?

now i know im not congested but it feels like i am. my breathing is a bit hader like as if i was congested but when i blow my nose nothing comes out, what can it be? i ride my bike to work every morning in cold weather. can that be the cause? what can i do to fix this? can my sinuses be swollen or something?

What is the difference between Darwin's Theory of Evolution and the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis?

What were the differences. Specifically I would like the differences in natural selection as I know Darwin had no knowledge of genes but feel free to add anything relevant in.

Nvidia Geforce 8200M or Intel GMA 4500MHD? Please answer?

which graphics card is better for gaming? ive been told that the 8200M card in the laptop i am buying is dedicated so idk are there any experts out there that can help me?

Chemistry - Acid Base Titrations?

I would find the molarity of each like your directions say!!! Remember that Molarity is equal to Number of Moles(n) over volume(must be in liters)!!!

I'm in love with the conductor of a symphony orchestra.. but, someone else likes her too. ?

Woodwind of fortune blow my way if I tell her that I love her. I just don't want any violin clashed with the other guy. Am I being cello?

When is the PRC going to stop complaining about a problem they alone created?

It is sad to see how Hu Tsing Tao is trying so hard to buy Obama's will. Hu Tsing Tao knows Obama will react once CPC-PRC lays a finger on Taiwan and other nations will also come in Taiwan's aid. Taiwan is now making their own missiles, PRC scampers for help because no one wants to be friends with PRC. Little brat goes cry cry. LOLOLOL

Argument between Catholic and Evangelical on faith?

It is faith alone that saves us, and this is by grace ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ). Works only comes AFTER salvation, not before it or as a part of it. Our faith in the shed blood of Jesus for our sins alone is what saves us, while works are a sign that we are saved. The Catholics are wrong, as many of their doctrines are false.

What kinds of Uggs, Flats, High Heels, and Moccasins are there? (Please Help!) (Urgent!)?

you will not get real uggs for a cheap price. and just shop around - there are heels and flats in every colour and tonnes of different styles, just see what you like

Friend trouble. Please help?

Okay so I had two BFFs. We all treated each other equally for about five months. Then one of them (lets call her Jenna) started getting real buddy-buddy with the other one (lets call her Kiara). Then they both ditched me, turned the school against me, none of the girls were talking me, they discluded me out of everything. I cried so much, I lost weight, I was really depressed. Now when we finally started to get a little closer, she goes and tells this girl that I always insult her behind her back and then she gets really mad at me. I try and deny it but she listens to Jenna since Jenna is really popular and has a big difference. Now she is one by one turning everybody against me and I don't know why!!! I can NOT talk to Jenna because she will only take advantage of my vulnerability. Now nobody likes me, I wander around at recess and lunch, avoiding anybody I know. Sometimes I sit in the washroom and read a book to avoid the mean eyes that follow me everywhere I go. I cannot tell the teacher because what can he do? Tell them to be my friend or else? That would make me sound really weak. Everybody moves away when I sit near them and now I'm so depressed and lonely. Even if my teacher tells them to be friends with me, it won't be real because she will still give me those looks and I'm so sad. PLEASE HELP????

How do you do MLA in-text parenthetical citations for online videos?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What political party do i belong?

it sounds to me that you are indeseieve and instead of worring about minor things like what party you belong to you should. have children and raise them, leave the voting to the men who obviously have a better grasp than some do

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dog shedding in the southern hemisphere?

yes it would addapt! thats why you should never take a dog to an extremely diferent climate for a holiday they addapt instantly! This is not a fact something i only saw on TV and have first hand experience of!

How many lazy people, do you think, just spray on Febreeze or put on deodorant instead of taking a shower?

I agree with Le chat noir. If you aren't going to take the whole plunge you need to at least hit the absolutes; pits, ti�ts and crotch.

How do i get my gf to admit she lied to me?

Wait till she tells you and if she doesn't then just go along with it. I mean, it's not that much of a big deal really is it? :L

What breed of horse would be best?

any horse that you see fit, thoroughbred, clydesdale, QH anything really as long as you feel comfortable

Xbox live through cell phone?

u can use the phone as a modem but it will cost you the internet cost like you were on the internet on your phone

Ok Stupid Question!?

You will marry Eli, live in a big yellow house, have a llama, be a news reporter, have 2 kids, and make 1 million dollars :)

Can you name this anime?

Ok, its this magic agency that goes after magical disturbances, the first episode they go to a house and beat a grandfather who used old pots to stay alive for his granddaughter. The leader is a kid with an eyepatch with a demon eye underneath it, theres a celtic witch, a guy with summonable paper beasts (which are usually cats) and a little girl whos a shrine maiden, and an opposing girl who summons demons. Whats the name of the anime?

What cartoon should I pick?

For school, I have to pick an appropriate cartoon, to sketch for art cl. what should I pick? Im thinking of Sumi the 2010 Olympic mascot. But he isnt really a cartoon. or is he?

If someone sent you this, what would you think?

my guy friend sent this text to me when he left for another country... 'when i think about no longer seeing your smile or hearing your laugh i feel like crying'...can this be platonic? or is it more than that? i dont know what to think...

What is a lightning conductor?

thanks to Ben Franklin these are his invention he gave to everyone to use. this is a lightning rod. being metal it diverts lightning from the buildings materials to a heavy metal cable to ground to render the damaging properties of lightning from the building

If you were not potty-trained, and wore diapers until 18, would your bladder and bowels remain incontinent?

Like is the ability to hold it and control bodily functions something that develops naturally, or would your bladder and bowels remain as weak and uncontrollable as when you were a toddler?

Hello! Has anyone out there with pcos tried the Atkins diet and had good results? Please provide details!?

How long did it take before you saw results? Serious anwsers only or I will report you! If you can't anwser this question please move on to the next question and don't waste my time thanks!

Can someone help me with lyrics that will fit this song?

So I am in love with the song "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. I want to put a video on YouTube of me singing it, but the problem is I do not have anyone to sing the song about except my 5 month old son. I want to change the lyrics in the song to fit so I can sing it about my baby boy. Can someone help me? I am so bad at song writing. His name is Ruger (Rooger) if that helps you rewrite the song. If you have a youtube account I will acknowledge you in the description. I just really want someone to rewrite the song for me. Thanks in advance.

Pool experts. . . .I need your pool expertise!!?

Wouldn't it be pretty bad in itself that the pool will be drained, couldn't that fall in and crack their head? (touch wood)...I think you should just hired some people to do it, or look after your kids to make sure they don't go near the pool.

Which food is best to try for a kitten with a sensitive stomach ?

My 9 month old rescue kitten has suffered from loose stools since we brought her home 3 months ago. She is obviously fit and well and gaining weight and the vet says it is dietary. It isnt diarrohea just loose. I have tried iams and whiskas but these both disagree....ive just purchased James wellbeloved to try.....any other suggestions?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

GIRLS PLEASE HELP guy wanting to look good?

You sound y to me except for the gles part.. Sorry I don't like boys with gles. But with how you dress you sound y! Also DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR! Keep your hair and actually let it get longer so it looks like skater boy hair. That is SO freaking Y! :)

Really personal relationship advice?

okay well me and this girl are crazy in love and were 16 and we have been going for 7 months and they have been amazing i have hu with a few girls before her and i was the her first kiss and hu and when she told me i was her first kiss i was shocked b/c she's absolutely beautiful .. her parents just are j wanted to just strict but w/e were inlove and she let me feel her up and gives me a s and i have fingered her ... and recently i really wanted to get head from her but i dont know how to confront her any suggestions

Friend problem?!?? =( help 10 points?

okay so uhm.. well i moved to this new skool and the populares are like ppl who i used to know so everyday i hang out with them and say hi to them and this guy told me that they talk **** abut me saying im annoying? (the ppl who i dont know from before but they are popluare and i talk to them) im not annoying to be honest when im with them i barly talk i just talk normal with them as a friend and now they go saying **** about me? =/ to be honest when i heard that my heart stopped ( the feeling u get when ur hert) and i got rlly sad im not anoying =/ =( what do i do....? i dunno why but i feel really sad

Jennifer Ellis Seitz --Woman Overboard & her husband Raymond, cruise ship --did they fight?

From what I heard it was a major fight. One of those that if pots and pans had been around they would have been flying.

True or false? The empirical formula for a molecular compound is generally the same as its chemical formula.?

The word molecular is underlined. I think it is false, but I cant find a word to replace molecular and make the sentence a true statement.

Buspar - Question???

I was prescribed buspar twice daily. I was so groggy and hazy during the day that I told my doctor. She told me to take both doses at night. I feel asleep easy, slept soundly, and woke up with no problems. I would ask your doctor if that is an option for you. I am still taking this medicine at night and now have no problems.

What are your thoughts on persian girls?

I am a persian girl and im really nice and outgoing but I noticed that people see me really different they think just because I am persian *irainian* i am cold-hearted,slutty,bitchy.......I always get this and so does my other persian friend so I was wondering what people thought about persian girls...just out of curiousity lol.

Are public funds available to provide free pre-school in California?

Yes, there is public funding for pre-school in California. I would be happy to talk with you about it sometime soon. :-)

Lover want to leave me alone permenently for my unknown mistakes?

Instead of begging her and wasting time, go out and PROVE to her that you love her. NOT by giving her things, but IMPROVING YOURSELF. Show her that you are the man she wants by improving yourself.

What Video Format Do I need For my Blackjack?

i have active sync and i can send videos to my phone through my usb cable but when i do and try to play the video and my blackjack it just has the sound of the video and not the video so does anyone know what kind of format i need???

Boy/Girl Twins?

Doesn't matter how old they are, it's still horrible that they are changing the names their mother gave to them.

Do you like my poem ? ( thanks)?

i think its great! check out mine! a href=";_ylt=AtkINjCO080JuqHU9X1x.nbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100219155346AAlvShc";…/a

From 2-3 days i am felling uneasiness.............why can any body help?????????

are you sick .? by mind or physical . TELL US the specific reasons ,so that we could provide exact answer or advice.

Where to find older Ford parts?

I am looking for inside door pillars for a 19701/2 Ford Falcon. Has to be a Falcon and not a Torino because Torinos are hardtops.

NFL Week 4-Who will Win?


Can someone translate this into words I can understand?

"In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.

Funny Names for my Pet Rabbit?

I have a rabbit that looks like that. He's a himalayan, is that what yours is? Perhaps yours is a Californian too, they tend to have darker ears. Anyway, mines name is Wiley Rabbit. It's the name he came with at the shelter.

Why Is Al Gore Only Promoting His Book On Shows That Won't Ask Questions About It?

Because he took only one science related cl in college (and that was probably a degree requirement), so he wouldn't be able to answer very many questions without looking like Holder did in front of Congress when he was being questioned about the wisdom of trying 9/11 terrorists in criminal court.

How can I prevent wood shavings from getting stuck inside one of my guinea pigs?

Yeah, I really don't like wood-chip bedding. The best thing to get is a paper bedding, like Carefresh (thats what I have recently switched to,) because the oils in wooden bedding are not good for guinea pig's skin and obviously, from what you said, not good for their overall health. Plus, using a non-wood bedding eliminates odors better and absorbs a lot more, so you actually come out saving.

Is the Buff Naked hair removing shower mitt by Flowery bad?

I heard that it uses chemicals to burn off the hair, because otherwise there's just abrasive on them and i don't get how the hair could come off. I dont want to use it if it has hair-burning chemicals :( ....

Abercrombie & Fitch Interview...What Questions to expect, what to wear (guy)?

Ok so I have an A&F interview tomorrow, and I was wondering what questions I should be expecting so I can prepare a little, and also what about dress, I know A&F brand, i was thinking a on down shirt (not from A&F but looks the style) and a A&F fleece, and i'm not sure about pants yet, I was thinking just nice jeans but maybe nice pants to set myself apart, any advice greatly appreciated!

What do you think about the people that are acting like The Cullen Family?

Lol! I think it's funny,especially the guy that is acting like Edward,but then again,it's getting quite old. Geez,will there be people acting like the charcters of Harry Potter now,or Lord Of The Rings?? What do you think.

I need oyster card help?

What's god to do with anything? Go unto your local paper shop that sells them, and ask. O r go to TfL's web site.

Can a 50 uk gallon tank be ok for these fish?

Silver dollars need over a 100 gallon tank as they can grow to the size of a dinner plate! Thats a big no.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I have a big problem with this girl im friends with?

I used to kind of be friends with this girl. Im not trying to sound mean but she doesn't have many friends and is kind of an outcast in school. We started talking one day and she sat with me and my friends at lunch one day. Recently, she told me about these kids from other towns. Just because she told me and out of curiosity I added them as a friend on facebook. Now this is very stupid but...she ims me saying I have no life and that its creepy to add people shes friends with that I don't know. Then she just going on and on and said some things to me that were kind of mean. I just told her that this should not be affecting her and all she did was telling again Im stupid, shouldn't add them etc. So finally I said "look i dont like having enemies, especially over stupid things like this." I tried everything I could working it out with her, and all she did was come back with more fighting. I eventually just said bye. What should I do? What do you think of her and this, isn't it stupid, like I said?

Why do biuals/s get bugged by heterouals?

ok, im 14 and i recently came out to everyone that I was , everything is fine, no one really bothers (not even the s) except for ONE kid, i sit next to him in two cles, and in those cles hes often asking me y my gay friend and bi friend broke up, if they kissed, if they had , and wen me and my gay friend are talkin about people who might be bi or gay this kid is always being nosy and asking who those ppl are, and once i asked him y he was in our business and he said dat he wasnt gay and i said u cud b bi and ur not tellin me den he stopped talkin and ignored me. my friend thinks he might be bi because he flirts with me (takes my things and pencils and i usually end up having to pry it from his hands and it seems like we r holding hands, and he occasionallly pokes me, and recently he put my pen on his groin and i reached instantly but didnt realize it was on his groin den wen i got it he laffed, i dnt really consider it flirting tho) so yeaup, cud he be bi, and if so Y DOES HE BUG ME?! o and wen he found out that i was bi he asked me across the room wen i went to sharpen my pencil,

How is the Lord of the Rings (the novel) a "fundamentally Catholic work" (Tolkien's own words)? ?

I think it has to do with the moral lesson about how power corrupts, It is also about a big clash between good and evil, also consider how the hobbits being a very meek humble people rise to the occasion and save the world, a very christian Idea

Embarring question, please help?

This is my second period and it's really heavy. I fell asleep at about 12 last night with a clean pad on (cuz i was lying down it put it more to the back) And at 6, i woke up in a pool of blood. Literally. The blood was everywhere, it had gone my knickers, there was a mive patch of blood on my PJ's, and blood all over the bed sheets, on my hands, down my leg. I thought i'd been stabbed. I was so scared. I had a shower, dried off and put clean clothes on and two pads. I went back to sleep and had these horrible dreams about waking up covered in blood again, And when I woke up two hours later it was pretty bad. Now whenever I move it feels like i've wet myself. I feel sick thinking about it. I feel dirty. I'm scared to go to school incase i get a patch again. I'm scared:/ Help!

Should I apologize to her? plz help?

well me personally will apologize to her but always like telling her my pint of view like telling her how the situation affecteed me.. and stuff and how it hurt me and how mad i got but always sayin sry.. bc u dnt wanna have a fight and u dnt wanna have a hatred relationship with that one person and alwasy respecting them bc they are adults and u are mature.. so in my point of view i would apolagize but letting the person knw my feeling and how the situation affected me personally but yeah.. thas wat i would do.. but thats me.. i dnt knw lol

I have a small cut on my modesty. Now there is this substance draining out near the wing. Should I be worried?

it looks like an ear wax substance. what is this stuff and is this something that will cause widespread damage or have major effects later in life?

EGR problems,weird sounds and sluggishness?

okay i have a 4 cyl. 2001 dodge caravan tester reads small and large evap leak i figure okay thats the gas cap it also reads egr leak okay can that be the reason my van is sluggish and makes weird sounds it sounds weird on acceleration and sluggs its way in to 40 mph and what all should i be changing when it comes to the egr.......?

How do you know when your lawnmower blade needs sharpening or to be changed?

Heck, I used to sharpen my blade every other time I used it. Takes about 2 minutes once you get the hang of it. Just tip it over (fuel tank side up), remove the 9/16" nut holding it onto the shaft, put it in a vice, run a 4.5" angle grinder over it, put it back on and you're done. If the gr looks like it was torn apart, rather than cut, it needs to be sharpened. If some of the gr/weeds are knocked over and laying flat, instead of being cut, it needs to be sharpened. If you want to see what a really sharp blade will do, go ahead and mow half your lawn then sharpen the blade then continue mowing. Oh, you should be able to find a Chinese angle grinder for less than 20 bucks, it should already have a 4.5" grinding wheel with it. Buy a cutting wheel too, they come in handy. I've got half a dozen angle grinders, each with a different attachment.

Not sure if ppl and teachers will accept me after failing in exams?

i know its long but be patient read it n guide me i hav no 1 to turn to....hi im frm india and my family is strictly acadimian ; i failed in my second year of college ,but will resume my education this april 2010 .this is da mst unfortunate thing happened 2 me so far , im a gud student, intelligent. but due to my irresponsible behaviour ive managed to fail .im not denying my mistakes of ignoring my studies n getting to busy with frends but there r other reasons too one of da prime reason ws -i was in luv fr da frst tym ,my first real luve, n dis guy left me jilted with no specific reason sayin im not preety enf . i ws so hurt n stupid didnt study well fr exam n failed in 2 subjects during midterms .in 2nd yr we hav industrial trainig were we work fr 5 months during this period i had to take several leaves as i ws under depression of loosing my love then had residence issues & after few days my grand mom died i ws totally devastated but due to certain rituals n family engagements had to stay b2 stay back at home my training counceler didt give me ne attendence though i had my training certificate and gave a complete attendence 2 this other guy who went fr work only lyk 12 days while i went fr 68 days ,she ws totally partial as he use 2 flirt with her n she is jst quite partial ....but then during my finals i ws so panicked to get gud marks i didnt plan my study properly n failed in 1 subject by 2 marks im so deprresed i ws supposed 2 p, it is legal 2 fail in 2 subjects n move ahead in year by reappearing fr exams as K.T but my counceller acted lyk a total ***** n failled me due to my attendence shortage .i dont knw how ill get normal . gettin through da course is not hard but since ive failed i don feel ne less dan a criminal .my entire family has high hopes on me i feel ive totally ruined my lyf. ... after joining da cl im scared i wont be da same confident me, im scared to death meetin new ppl nw .im home ryt nw with family hav gained 28 pnds in 4 months lookin my most ugly i might not land up a job during campus selection plus i guess all those teacher who lyked me must hav started 2 think im a stupid *** how do i win back every bodies confidence in me back im at my worst condition didnt take bath fr 2 weks nw my mom looks sad, even shes havin a bad tym at work plus all my frends seem to have forgotten me i use to be popular but nw im just a failure i totally hate my self........ i hate being stupid ,out of work ,no frends ,n lonely but now thats all im .it seems every 1 hates me now . later i hav 2 join cles with my juniors im scared they wont lyk me as im quite recluse these days im scared they'll all treat me lyk **** plz help me ............

If csc(0) = -2, find csc^3(0).?

I don't exactly know how to go about solving this one, with the exponent being on the cosecant before the degree value. Any help?

Is steady state a reasonable umption in this case?

Prior to the industrial revolution, the exiting ratio of atmospheric methane was about 900ppbv compared to 1.8ppm today. if the residence time of methane has remained constant at 8 years house must the magnitude's and the of the source have changed?(ex: calculate the source mag for both times. Is steady state a reasonable umption this case?

I don't know what to do?

My two best friends are sisters. One is a year than the other and two years older than me. I am the youngest out of the group. Both keep on hugging me and trying to get my attention. I had for the past few weeks now been asked to go on a date with Shelby (the younger one). Then her sister Ashely will take me out the next day. I like spending time with both of them, but I hate being in a tag a war game. It makes things all difficult. I don't even like either of them more than a friend. They don't know that. They keep on kissing me and flirting. I don't why, but I flirt back. I want to step out of there war and just hang out with the girl I love. I can't she saw me kissing Shelby and later Ashley. Cindy thinks I am a player now because of them. A lot of people do. I can't ditch them and I don't know what to tell them. Anyone have any advice?

How do I get rid of catepillars on my deck?

Well, to stop them completely would not be possible. The wind will blow some there, even if you treat the deck. Malathion sprayed onto the deck will deter them. HOWEVER, this is toxic and you can't go barefoot, have dogs, children etc. on the deck without danger. If none of those are present. follow the manufactures application instructions and repeat when ever it has been rained off. this is dangerous stuff but will work.

Isn't the Clinton/Obama ideas for Iraq simply an extenstion of the failed idea that gave rise to islamofacism?

During the revolution in IRAN the U.S. emby was overrun--the staff and such of the emby was held for years during negotiations. President Carter did not understand the arabic culture only respects power--was why the backed the nazis and then the allies during WWII. If president carter would have said--this is an act of war--we are at war--treat the hostages as POWS or else--told them the B-52"s were in the air, cities, and military and economic ests targeted--and the only way he'd issue a recall order was if the hostages were on a plane home NOW. And laid waste to IRAN if they didn't comply. His failure to act strongly and desisivly told the islamofascist movement that the US could be manipulated, it emboldened the whole movement giving rise to guys like OSAMA. Won't we just be going back if we take the Hillory obama way out-most likely after a few american cities are attacked by the embolded islamofascists?

Where can i get my tougue pierced?

my friend dos them professional kal 2889305 ask for kathy and ill tel u where she just charges 5 dollars with the needle and the piercing i got my done there and its good

Do women really like the hard azz prick guys, or is there any room for good guys?

a lot of girls will just go for the first guy that shows them some attention as it makes them feel wanted. They are really looking for guys like you but you are not so easy to find. Don't worry about it but in the mean time don't let your self fall too easily :)

BFN at 12dpo is this cycle a bust again!!?

My cycles have been a little all over the place but last cycle was 40 days with 12 days between ovulation and period. My BBT chart showes that i am 12dpo so if its the same as last month im due for AF today. I got a little excited this month as I had a bit of brown spotting on 10dpo so took a test this morning and BFN.. If my spotting at 10dpo was implantation should i be showing BFP by now if i am pregnant?

How long is thawed chicken good for?

I thawed it out in my sink in cold water and when it was thawed, poured out all that excess water from when it was frozen. I then put it in a baggy with marinade and seasoning and its been in my fridge for 2 days. It's good still? Thank you!

Is it right to strip the relay team of their medals?

If one member of the relay team cheated (i.e. used banned substances), then the team's entire performance, whether they finished first, second, last, etc., is required to be to be disqualified. Jones ruined it for her team.

What is this song!!!!?? haha?

Okay i probally wont get to many answers but i heard this sing on the radio and i cant figure out the name the only lyrics i know are "Like diamonds on the floor" or it could be "dimonds fell on the floor" and then it says " and i cant help her" haha thats all i know and that might be wrong.. i think it sounds like Kris Allen but idk.. today was the 1st time i heard it. If u have ANY idea can u please help me? Thanks :)

Help with back ache due to Menopause (i think)?

I am in my 40s. Menopause began last year however, this year my back began aching terribly expecially in the mornings waking up from bed. I used to have these back aches in my 30s but not frequent. What medication/tablets should I purchase/eat? Tq.

How to I protect my ideas when I meet with patent law firm?

I just moved to Palo Alto, CA and don't have any money on my own to file the necessary paperwork; I'd like to meet with patent attorneys offer them a % of the new venture, let them help me incorporate and file trademark, patents and copyrights but I don't know how to present my proposal to them in way that protects me...They can just easily say that they were already working on something similar and take it and run with it and I wouldn't have any resources to fight them...Should I get my proposal notorized? what should I do?

What songs to play at party?

how about any song that makes the party slamming, c brown has so much music, and then put on some dj khaled, put on some jay-z "brush your shoulders off" . clic party song. mims had that one hot single, which you can always put on. some rick ross maybe, some young jeezy like Put On, and always 50.

Ok i have a dentist question?

i am so scared of the dentist that if i even think about it i start freaking out i have lots of work that needs to be done im not afraid of getting my teeth pulled the pain anyhow but i hate to be num i feel as my throat is tight and i can not breath right when they give me that shot i feel like omg im ganna die i wanna get my teeth pulled but can my dentist only num that one tooth other then half my jaw ?

Are My Goals Delusional?

You might have a slight case of megalomania as you say. But other people have done as much and more. So why not you?

How do i fix up my life?? what am i doing woring?

Just don't worry about what everybody else is doing. Be independent and you'll start noticing the people coming to you rather than you trying to fit in. Just be yourself, that is all that matters. Don't change who you are to try to fit into the crowd.

What happened this month?

every ovulation is different but sounds to me that you ovulated because of the wetness and the cramping sometime cervical mucous is not visible. and as for the brown spot of blood that could have just been implantation bleeding good luck hope you.... let us posted

I decided to tell a guidance counselor about my friend who cuts.. what happens now?

Your guidance counselor will handle the situation calmly. if she is any kind of counselor at all. I don't think the cops get called unless there is a suicide attempt. Your friends parents will be called. Alot will be up to them how to handle the situation. I hope your friends parents will help and not hinder (be part of the problem) and get her the physiological help she needs. She will be mad at you at first but will thank you all later. If her parents don't want to admit there is a problem and get her help the counselor may can involve the courts and get her help that way. Keep update on whats happening with her or not and keep pushing for her to receive help getting a hold of this compulsion.

Potato stew?????????????????

im about to make potato stew any good idea on ingredients or how much of that certain thing to put in????

New jack russel pups?

my jack russel gave birth to 5 pups the other night. both mother and father are working dogs and great hunters, so there is a very high chance the pups will inherit this trait. both mother and father had their tails docked when i purchased them. but i don't know weather to dock the pups tails?? i went to the vet to buy iodine for their navels and innocently asked about docking and was told that it is illegal!!! now i don't know what to do! if they do inherit the hunting trait and their tails are not docked they could get seriously hurt!! any advise?

What is the significance that the amazon has on Venezuela?

well for venezuelan the amazon forest is very important.. there are the one of the most beautiful national parks in the world (as big as belgium) called NATIONAL PARK CANAIMA... there you can find the highest water fall.. (angel fall). we have a big production of gold, silver, diamants and another important minerals.. there are two states of venezuela (AMAZONAS, & BOliVAR) in that states is where the amazon rain forest is in venezuela.. but hasn't a big production of papers or pencil.. soo the amazon in venezuela is not as destroy as bRAZIL... ohh and in the venezuelan amazon bornd the 3rd river most important in america.. orinoco river.. has a great importance to venezuelan in too much ways..

Got emergency where do disabled seniors find loans of 500$ payable in payments good trustworthy but fixed inco?

fraud charges to my bank account have left me without enough money to pay my rent landlord won't give me any time will get eviction notice if not payed in full please help me with info anything please

What would happen if absolute zero was acheived in a isolated system?

besides entropy becoming zero... i mean like would there be some type of explosion or something idk my grandpa once said something like that but he don't know what he talkin abt lol prob just heard it on national geographic. Let me know if you have any info on this k thanks.

Is my wild-caught frog doing ok?

Your local exotic pet store is a good (and free) resource to ask for information. Since you can't be sure what a wild-caught frog was eating before she was taken in, it may be that she was eating a higher fat/protein content before than she is now. While losing weight may not be a bad thing, any dramatic or sudden weight changes can be dangerous or indicate an underlying problem. An exotic pet store will carry lots of different supplements and food alternatives for frogs. Talk to them and see if you can add something to her diet that will make her put on some of that weight! That's exactly what I do when my snakes are looking ill :)

In need of opinions! Especially the guys!?

It is clear that he is exploiting you to the maximum.In addition he has been dominating you and make you to earn for him too.Since he is able to do some job,he should not even think of collecting unemployment benefits. He should have more self respect in him.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Which PC is better for gaming?

My opinion, I like number 2 because it is hi-powerful such as CPU up to 4.70 GHz and MSI GTX 580.That's great

GUYS-- need opinions. Do you find my style and me cute or non.?

good personality, cute, active so I say perfect btw the offspring, flogging molly and three days grace.

Top 10 things to do/see in thailand?

me and my girlfriend are traveling to thailand next week. on reading about the country it seems theres so much to do. so if anyone has any suggestions or previous experience please share. we will be going to bangkok for 3 nights then moving down south. thanks in advance

Why did I suddenly lose satellite radio reception?

For months, I had great reception in my office building (in downtown Madison, WI), and also outside my building when I took walks with my Sirius Stiletto 100 using only the internal antenna. But starting last week, I lost all signal strength in the building, and outside it has become extremely choppy. But them I'm sitting here in my living room getting reception with the internal antenna. I live 10 miles from work, so there shouldn't be that much difference. In fact, if there's a ground signal repeater, I should get better reception downtown. The catch is that my subscription ends next week, and I don't want to renew if I can't get reception at work anymore. But then I don't want to be forced to cancel and be left wondering if it was just temporary. Any ideas?

I am so scared of rain and thunderstorms.?

Please help me guys, I am really scared of rain and thunderstorms, I live in Kuwait, I am scared because when I was in the 3rd grade a flood happened, And now i am scared of the thunder and lightning, please help me. I am so scared!!! TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! I think I am gonna cry, it is so hard on me. I am only 12, it is so creepy, what does isolated thunder storm mean???

Budgeting how??

How do I budget money that I earn? See my mom has a buying too much problem. She takes my dad and my money for disabilty and spends it. I don't know how she spends that money so quick by the second week we are broke again. Then my braces bill is now 3 months to 4 months over due. She hasn't spent a cent of my money paying my bill or even trying to. I have a little over two hundred from working with my parents should I have to buy my clothes for school and pay my braces payment off too. I know when I do I will be broke and then it will get over due again for the second time and I won't be able to bale myself out this time. What should I do my dad is sick of it and really wants to take over the account and budget ourself we are going to open our own account up is that a good idea to conserve money? But she won't be able to even know about it it will be my dad and our secret only. I am only 16 what should I do. Should I get the money and transfer it to an account? My dad and I account?

Program to move video off HDD back to a DVD?

use nero to burn your dvd video to dvd disk. nero is user-friendly and it will guide you to do all the burning jobs. be sure you have dvd rw drive.

When is my pulled pork done?

If it's shreds, then it's probably done. Take it out, shred it up, and put it back in the pan with all the juices. It will be fine.

How do I hide Christian name in email?

How can I privately email a group moderator or group member without my Christian name showing up next to my email name on the same page. I can't find anywhere to change this. Secondly, why do my private emails to moderator get posted for all members to see without my permission?


Ok i have had the swine flu already and then that was a long time ago, so now my head has been killing me all day so i got checked out of school and so i threw up and put a wet towel on my head and rested for like 4 hours and woke up and watched tv now my head is still killing me and i have been drinking plenty of water and took Tylenol and it has not been working (i took one during lunch and when i woke up) so how do i get rid of a head ache and why is it still acuring on me right now?!?

Michelle McCool vs Mickie James vs MsChif vs Taylor Wilde?

MsChif because McCool isnt that talented, James is okay but not near as good as MsChif, and Wilde doesnt have enough experience yet.

Get over my cousins murder? <L0NG>?

my God, I am so sorry. no, it is absolutely not your fault in any way. its normal to question ourselves & feel guilty when we lose someone we love... if anything, it was the mother who should have intervened to protect him. your baby cousin is at peace, now. he wont feel anymore pain... God bless him & your family- I wish you peace.

Y do i keep having dreams about him when he lives in atl and i live in new orleans?

Girl I know exactly how it feels and I do think you should tell him how you feel if not you'll always wonder what if.

I want to take cles for like fashion designing?

hi... i want to take cles for fashion designing... but im only 13... and i dont want like the cles at like jo ann fabrics... iwant more advanced ones... any ideas? or like interactive activities?

Does my crush like me or not?

hi listen its ur imagination that he likes u cuz thats what u want. not trying to be offensive here. You'll find some one who likes u back

Can chocolate milk made with Ovaltine replace the P90X Results and Recovery Formula? Calling fitness experts!?

I wouldn't. It's too much sugar and not enough protein. Protein and creatine are the keys to recovery. I didn't use the P90X drink either. I went to Costco and bought their protein shakes. They're low in sugar and have 30 grams of whey protein, which is quickly absorbed into your system after working out.

What should I let my daughter wear to see Usher tomorrow? answer all questions please?

let her wear and do whatever she wants, all the little girls are going to look like that and you'll let her do anything anyway. Concert food is atleast five times more expensive than regular prices.

Who thinks this is a good idea?

I propose that since everybody is big on recycling now, we recycle our celebrities that we don't use anymore. Like Rosie O'Donnell, Lindsay Lohan, Aaron Carter, and the Backstreet Boys. We can convert them into fuel. Rosie would make a lot of fuel. And especially in Rosie's case we would be saving a lot of resources, like food.

How tall is Andy Madadian?

Sorry I don't have a better answer, but I can tell you that Jon is 5'9. So, I guess he must be shorter than that? ;)

Cancer survivor, 75, skis to North Pole?

I read thta! She is an amazing woman and... she's African American! Wow man. I can only aspire to be as driven and ambitious as her! She is truly a blessing and a trendsetter! She set the bar high. What a wonderful goal to obtain!

Was Nazi Germany a legitimate government?

Legitimate enough to turn everyday germans Into Monsters and cold blooded killers, You should buy "Nazi's a Warning from History" because right now the far right Is mimicking hilter and the likes of jan brewer and sarah palin are turning everyday americans Into cold blooded killers and monsters just like adolf hilter to to the germans they are doing the same to americans and I think that's legit.

Do you ever get email from aliens?

With the advent of satellite and wireless communication in computers do you think aliens could use this method for there communication with us? Should SETI look into this?

How many "disposable" TV's can you find in this list?

Alot of these TVs are just rebranded. They use the same type of parts and they buy them "white box" and slap their logo on them. Although some have inferior picture quality and crispness, it depends on how much you are willing to spend.IF you can get a 42" Sony and a 60" Westinghouse for the same amount, what would you do?

What kind of hair cut would suit my face shape? Please help!?

i dont think you should get either katy perry haircut, you have great eyebrows and the fringe would hide them. i think you should keep it long but if you really want to change something then try getting some short layers or a side fringe x

What happen with the Benoit family?

they're all dead man!!! i used to like benoit because he was a great wrestler, he was never my favorite because he was so dull but i love watching him and kurt angle wrestle! their match in 2001 inside a cage was probably the best cage match of all time, kurt did a back flip off the top of the cage and benoit did a flying head off the top of the cage. with that being said i think the actions he did totally negated everything he accomplished in the ring!!! whenever i think of benoit i think of a guy that i have no respect for, and the first thing that comes to my mind is child murderer! because of that i can't even think of his great matches or even stomach to watch them because i know what he did!! benoit can burn in hell!! if you don't like what i'm saying, imagine it was your kid and wife that he strangled and you'd be singing a totally different tune!! im sick of people saying "oh benoit was still a great wrestler and should be respected", rofl benoit should not be respected!! benoit is just another child murderer! just because he knew how to wrestle doesn't mean he should get a p!!! benoit i hope you rot in hell for all eternity!

Should i delete him off my buddy list?

There was this guy & we were really into each other but its totally over now and hes found another girl in like 2 weeks -_-. Sadly im not totally over with him though & everytime i try to delete his sn i keep adding him back because i miss seeing him online. I know this is a bad habit but should i just keep him on my buddy list if theres no harm to it or delete it cause its only make me think of him more?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is wrong with me?

I haven't noticed this until recently: I get this weird tightness felling thing in my chest on certain occasions. it first happened when I heard from my friend (he is in a wheelchair) that discovery was going to do a doentary on him. Me having OCD, I was logically beating the **** out of this thought over and over in my head for the next few days. Eventually the tightness dissipated. And recently (Today) when the discovery camera crew came to film. He invited me over onto the set and I was surprised that I was going to be on TV. But I got that sort of tightness in my chest again. What is it? Jealousy, mental stuff, by body reacting weird to random things? what is it?

Astronomy questions?

Oh, so sad that nobody is responding to your questions. I don't know what scientists hope to accomplish by even looking for life sustainable conditions on other terrestrial bodies. Earth is us humans' home. Nobody would be happy if they couldn't look side to see trees and animals and other forms of life. In my opinion all this reasearch is just a waste of money that could be spent on other things. I don't mean to insult you with that comment, it is obvious you are very intelligent on these astronomy issues. I am just stating my opinion.

What is the biogenesis paradox?

All extant life comes from pre-existing life, but at one time, there was no life on Earth, so... where did it come from to get started?

I want to buy a new computer but it needs to have an AGP slot and a decent power supply?

I have a graphics card that I'd like to use and it recommends a 400watt power supply.. I want to get one from a good manufacturer like compaq or dell or hp or toshiba thanks

The best thing about "Obama Care" is that his name is forever attached to it, isn't that great?

Who cares? Some people still bow to his feet and follow every word his says because he's a celebrity and young people are obsessed with that element of celebrity today. If you are a minority on Oprah or a talk show you'll win hands down.

Why some people accuse Obama?

"vote for mcain and keep the white house white " where the words traveling through the school, i looked down at the young black girl who had just heard those words come out of the bullys mouth and i wanted to cry. the boys pushed the young girl onto the floor and started splattering white paint on her dark brown skin, then as a last move to bring her down they wrote her name on the wall in white dripping paint the poured the rest of the paint on her and ran. the girl stood up fighting back tears. that was the last time i saw her. she moved. i think that people who express there beliefs should be helped, but no the boys got away, the girl didnt tell, so now i dont want to be caught up in this stuff, i hope you learned someting in what i had to say. obama has done nothing wrong if you are an obama fan listen to this he has a two third chance of dying in offlice, and he wants to go to war with russia

I need Julius Caesar help.?

How did Caesar make people aware of his conquests? I've searched all over the internet, but I cannot find the answer.

The depth, validity and purity of my romantic love is not tainted by the fact that I'm a gay man. Agreed?

Agreed. If anything, it's even more valid because it's harder for gay men to find partners than it is for straight men (smaller pond), so y'all better be damned sure you love who you're with.

Why do some guys desire a woman that's a virgin?

Amen brother.. not to mention the fact that she is going to break down and cry when you tell her you don't fancy her anymore after that horrid experience! There's an awful lot of guilt involved I would say so what man would want that is a beyond me.

Kickboxing question?

In training for muay thai kickboxing, do they make you do any kind of gynastics e.g. rolls, jumping, flips or ropework?

How does cctv help to deter crime in london and the south east?

CCTV doesn't deter crime. It can help in the prosecution of people who have commited crimes. Remember though, that when Jean Charles De Menezes was shot none of the CCTV camera's in the tube station were working.

What's this song called?

It's i think form the 80s 90s, i dunno. It's got a symbolic sound of the trumpet, it's kind of a romantic song. I asked my friend and he told me something like "Queen of dance", i don't know if it's related to this or not, but i hope i helped at all.

What does Galatians 6:9 mean?

Doing good doesn't always seem to "work" in the short term. Especially doing good to your enemies, which Christians are called to do. It's an exhortation not to give up on what's right simply because there's no immediate temporal payoff. Ultimately the command is not about getting people to like us or respond to us nicely, but about showing the love of Christ and developing a spirit of service and humility. That's at least one harvest reaped by persevering in kindness.

How come when Sarah Palin does an interview, your not allowed to ask her follow up questions?

Theres a clause in her contracts that they aren't allowed to ask her follow up questions? After the Katie Curic interview, Palin has made it really hard for reporeters to probe her message or get details for her plan for the country. How would a voter make an informed decision about her, when she never goes into details about anything she has planned.

Help!! I built my first. Pc ::( ?

I built myself a pc yesterday I though woo hoo great built seemed like done everything write. Turn it on hmmm.. The screen went no signal. So turned it of checked the gpu and cables are in snugged in and secure. So tried again. Still same prob. Maybe my gpu n power are compatible or motherboard . My psu is a arctic 700w mb asrock m3a770de and gpu xfx is ati hd 1 gb 5670

How to avoid erflys on rollercoasters?

I was 11 and went on every roller coaster there by myself! It is so fun on their roller coasters! Avoid erflies by not worrying about the ride and just going on it! You will like it!

Can I buy a cheaper adapter for my Samsung Blu Ray player?

Buy an Adapter of medium range with strong signal so that it can catch internet, even if ur Wi-fi router is in another room. I suggest it should come around $30. But remember, it will not work if ur wifi router is on 1st floor & ur Blu-ray on ground floor or vice-versa.

Can you help me to make a concludin sentece about my topic and thesis?my thesis is "even moral is the most pow

can you help me to make a concludin sentece about my topic and thesis?my thesis is "even moral is the most powerful it can be ruin by evil" and my topic sentence is "however good has a power to overthrow the evil, but evil continues to fight to ruin the good"

I am looking to buy new camcorder, what lux should i go for to record in low light?

my granddaughters dancing on stage sometimes in low light, should i record in spotlight or normal mode?

Which tote bag is better?

definately the Roxy bag. Aeropostale is ok, but i hate how most of their clothes say "AEROPOSTALE" all over them. that's the one i would get too! :)

What's the best alcohol supplier? (UK)?

Does anybody know any good alcohol suppliers, for business use for delivery's such as bulks for bars and clubs? presumably a website based in the UK would be good thanks. Can somebody with experience or knowledge answer please? Thank you.

Do you know if there is an australian windows and an american windows PLEASE READ BELOW?

i am wanting to buy a computer program for my school subject CAD and i was looking on ebay and there are only programs in america. So i am not sure if they will work over here

Do John and Cindy McCain's ties to organized crime pose a security risk if he should be elected President?

now the red necks on YA are going to go ballistic on your audacity to question their patriotism lmao