Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Requesting advice on conflicting emotions. Women answer only please.?

I'm a 24 year old guy. I am very down to earth, easy to talk to and in my opinion average in looks. I have, however, been single now for 5 years. The years of being single I feel have warn me out making me feel apathetic/cynical about ever being in a relationship. I never been in a committed relationship despite sincere efforts. I am confident enough to make the first move but unable to maintain the persons interest. I lack the "romantic flare" instead favoring a realistic/hardened perspective of the world. A part of me has no interest in trying anymore (apathy). Another part is sadden by the idea that I can work and achieve almost anything I set my mind to except for the one thing I really desire, a relationship. These two conflicting emotions are difficult to deal with. I'd appreciate any thoughts and more than one answer is fine. All answers will be appreciated. Thanks.

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