Friday, August 12, 2011

Does he like me ( very long so please just read it!!!!)???

in the beginning of february i really liked him so i asked him to be my boyfriend and he said he would call back and he said he wanted to be my bf. HE bought me diamomnd hair clips and then we got in a fight, he called me a fag and i told him he succed and he said i was ugly, we didnt talk for a week. then he said sorry and offered to buy me anything i wowuld like, he bought me a yoyo(if you make fun of that GET A LIIFE CUZ NICK ROX UR sOX!!) an dthe n we just were reguklar for 1 month.then he started siting by me on the bus. WE went on an eaggle bluff trip and everyone thinks he likes jessica and jess thinks so 2. and on night hike (it was SCARY WE SAW DEAD PEOPLE~!!!!) he escorted me the whole way and held my arm. thenhe claimed he didnt like me at all. (on the busreide back he said he liked me morethan jess and he said yes. some girls asked him if he would date me if we were older(were in 5 grade) and he said yes but later told me he didnt kno whwta he was answereing,does he like me

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