Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Isn't the Clinton/Obama ideas for Iraq simply an extenstion of the failed idea that gave rise to islamofacism?

During the revolution in IRAN the U.S. emby was overrun--the staff and such of the emby was held for years during negotiations. President Carter did not understand the arabic culture only respects power--was why the backed the nazis and then the allies during WWII. If president carter would have said--this is an act of war--we are at war--treat the hostages as POWS or else--told them the B-52"s were in the air, cities, and military and economic ests targeted--and the only way he'd issue a recall order was if the hostages were on a plane home NOW. And laid waste to IRAN if they didn't comply. His failure to act strongly and desisivly told the islamofascist movement that the US could be manipulated, it emboldened the whole movement giving rise to guys like OSAMA. Won't we just be going back if we take the Hillory obama way out-most likely after a few american cities are attacked by the embolded islamofascists?

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